Sok-sok régi hír :D
2004. január 10.


Tehát a régi hírek itt érhetőek el:


at 2013. szeptember 18. - 12:02by Krystalyn
What a pleasure to find someone who idtenifies the issues so clearly [url=]zmfjocssi[/url ] [link=]ryoazcf[/link]
at 2013. szeptember 16. - 20:11by Apurv
omg proc porad o mne pisete todle? tedka si to ctu a pnlivooa z tohoneni pravda napr.: ze davam masterovi a spidrikovi 20? to je lez jako sul, nebo ze kdyz mne zabil tak jsem si vzal veci? zase lez, no ale za se je pravda ze jsem BYL! necestny v banech ale tedka mi Dragon97_1 poradil jak natoPS: slibuju ze budu cestny a spravedlivy!
at 2013. szeptember 15. - 06:39by Alaan
Hi buddy how are you? i still support you, i know some pelope they don't believe but even though am not the singer like you but all our friend get the good job and it cause our struggling.If any friend have any question regarding Ratanak pls do not hesitate to mail to me or by facebook tem sarakRegards,Sarak 1
1"It has been around 6"
at 2013. szeptember 14. - 00:59by Jin
It has been around 6 mohtns now Modern Warfare 3 was probably the worst CoD game in the franchise's history. It literally was a steaming piece of turd. I'm hoping Treyarch releases a quality game this November .  One that will keep me entertained for more than a month. IMO, Infinity Ward has gone to shit without West and Zampella.
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Utolsó frissítés ( 2004. január 28. )